The Formations & Shapes of Crystals

Hi Guys, Vince here!

Today I was having a discussion with a crystal newbie and I realized that they didn’t know the many different forms that crystals can come in. As well as the different qualities that can result from their shape. So today I thought that I would target this topic and cover some of the many forms that crystals can come in.

Crystals are produced from different minerals and conditions within the Earth’s crust. Different crystals develop depending on the conditions and minerals that they are exposed to. These conditions also contribute to the shape and appearance of the crystals.

Crystals are extremely unique in the way that no crystal is the same. Even with the exact same crystal and size, the shape and quality will always differ.

There are many different factors that can change the appearance and structure of a crystal.

Crystals can form either individually or in clusters as well as being built up of layers and form natural facets and points. Although the exterior appearance of the crystal can change its value and look, it can also change the power of the crystal itself.

These are some of the more traditional and common crystal forms and their power.

Abundance Quartz

An Abundance Quartz consist of one ‘mother’ quartz which stands surrounded by a cluster of smaller points at its base. As the title, this formation attracts abundance as well as wealth and fertility.


Balls are usually a man-made shape rather than naturally formed, however this does not change its power. In fact, the ball shape emits energy equally in all directions and serves as an anchor for the energy in a very consistent and harmonious way.


Cluster formations occur when multiple crystal points form together. Although they may seem chaotic, clusters work together to emit energy that radiates from the base and out through the points. Not only can they emit and radiate energy, they can also absorb and store unwanted energy.

Double Termination

Double terminated is a term used for crystals which have definite points at both ends of their body. Due to their two points they can both absorb and radiate energy simultaneously, being perfect for healing as they can absorb negative energy and radiate positive in the same sitting.


Although egg-shaped crystals are usually man made, they rebalance blockages in the body as well as being comforters when stressed. The pointed end of the egg can be used as a reflexology or acupressure tool to release the body from pain and stress. Eggs also focus on bodily issues such as infertility, growth and the menstrual cycle.


Elestial crystals are formed from multiple-layered crystals joining together to form one body. Elestial crystals are known as the ‘crystal of the angels’ and thus have a very harmonious power that can bring and heal love and wisdom.

Single & Cluster Generators

Generator crystals are formed with six sides meeting equally in a point. Generators are ideal in generating energy and healing as well as focusing on attention and motivation. Cluster generators work in the same way, however in a cluster, each grouping can be programmed to target specific purposes.


Geodes are a natural rock formation that contains a hollow core lined with crystals. Geodes can assist in protection, spiritual growth, breaking addictions and balancing moods. Due to its formation they are often linked to fertility and nurturing as they can represent a mother’s womb.


Crystals can sometimes be formed in layers which help with focusing on multiple levels of change and healing. They focus on drilling down to the bottom of issues to resolve them.

Naturally Occurring Long Point

Naturally occurring long pointed crystals are how they sound, long crystals with a single point on one end. They focus energy in a continuous stroke which helps with ritual work and healing. Their energy is known to be very rapid and powerful as their single point helps to direct their energy into one place. 

Image From The Chalkboard


Phantom crystals are ones that have slowly grown over and absorbed other crystals over time. They put the past into perspective and are used to point the way to growth and development.


There are many crystals that form points in their body. They can be man-made or natural but either way their power focuses on healing. Pointed crystals are known for drawing energy into the body and when pointed away, can draw the energy away from the body, aiding in the healing process.


Pyramid shaped crystals can be man-made and natural. Natural formed pyramid crystals are used to tightly focus energy through the apex of the pyramid. They draw off negative energies and replace with healing and lively energies.


Crystals that appear in a square form can be used for grounding and anchoring intention. They process negative energies into positives and can be used to calm people during meditation when held in the palm.


Tabular crystals are ones with two wide flat sides. Tabular crystals work with communication and interpreting misunderstood and miscommunicated information. They aid with confusion and provide balance.


Wand crystals are ideal in the healing world as they can focus energy directly to a desired spot and can be programmed with the user’s intent. Wands are multifunctional and therefore can be used multiple times in different ways depending on the users needs.

These are only a small number of crystal forms and I encourage you to broaden your research if interested and teach yourself the many ways crystals can help to heal you.

Happy Monday Everyone!

Stay Balanced and Powerful

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