
“Stories are a communal currency of humanity.”

-Tahir Shah, in Arabian Nights

As storytelling is a vital element of our nature, it should be explored in all forms. Spiralling Thoughts is a blog that I have developed to explore this. It is an online narrative disguised as a creative blog, run by seven fictional characters. I have created a fictional apocalyptic world which will be explored and developed through the posts and comments of my seven creative bloggers. The blog will begin as a mainstream creative blog, with my characters posting articles about their art and design mediums as time progresses (in real time), unexpected and bizarre elements will start to bleed into my characters’ lives and posts, changing the blogs main focus in this process. This blog is an experiment in long form storytelling, immersing readers through week to week, month to month narrative progression.

To understand my interest in this project, I will explain who I am. My name is Lauren Cosshall and I am an emerging filmmaker. I direct my focus on darker narratives, usually of the thriller and horror genre and I am mainly focused in unconventional storytelling means. This blog is a project of mine which I plan to expand on as time progresses and hopefully develop a captivating storyline through characters and articles. In doing this, this blog allows me to further explore creative topics and elements that I haven’t yet been able to, but have wanted to study, allowing me to further my research and then develop posts and articles for my characters from that.

If you’re new to the blog and want to follow the overarching plot, I would recommend reading the articles from the beginning as parts of earlier articles will intertwine with later ones.

Please note that although the main content of the posts on this blog are real and researched, the apocalyptic and bizarre aspects of them are fictional and created purely for the overarching plot of the online story.