Bloggers’ Profiles

Nicole Martinez  

Hey Film Buffs!

I’m Nicole Martinez. I am a New York based director, producer, photographer and cinematographer. After studying filmmaking at NYU, I’ve been trying to build an independent career. Navigating this path in New York is tough. I do a mix of work, as it comes along, from music videos to short documentaries for the local PBS station, to working as a runner for one of the local commercial TV stations. This keeps bread on the table and a roof over my head, plus some spare change for my passion projects. My personal drive lies in horror and thriller storytelling. To this end I am working on a series of short films for YouTube that explore a cross-section of chilling and gory topics from scripts I have written myself.

I am writing for this blog because I have learned a lot about filmmaking and in fact life In general that I feel compelled to share. As a student I learned a lot from a number of blogs that I read religiously, and I really feel this is one way to give back.

I hope you all gain inspiration and knowledge from my posts and I’ll try my best to keep you updated with my progression.

Catcha Later Filmmakers

“No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.”

John Keating (played by Robin Williams) in Dead Poets Society (1989)

James Powell

Hi Readers, I’m James.

My passion is food and since I aspire to being able to leave my day job and become a full-time food writer, I’m practicing my craft here. You can expect to read my comments on different cuisines, ways of presenting food and anything I find particularly interesting coming from the wonderful and diverse eating world of Melbourne.

While I’m not a very good cook myself, I love the diverse tastes of food and all the factors that make for a great dinning experience. When I can I travel widely, sampling food where every I go and I’m never scared to try something new.

Angela Mosley

Hello, I’m Angela Mosley

I’m an interior decorator, artist, blogger and coffee addict! I live in Birmingham, England and other than hanging out at the pub avoiding my responsibilities, I spend my time as a personal interior designer! My whole world revolves around design, it is my love, and hopefully through this blog I can influence your creative thinking when it comes to your home!

Through colour, texture, lighting and design, you can revamp your home in a day! In this blog I aspire to inspire you all and encourage you to let your inner kid out and explore the possibilities your home has to offer you!

If you have any ideas or requests for future posts, please let me know through the comment section under my posts, I always love to hear from my readers! And if you are in the city of Birmingham and are looking for an interior decorator, don’t hesitate to contact me!

I hope I can inspire your creative side, and may you enjoy the other incredible content on this blog from my six fellow creative bloggers! 

Remember folks, beautify the world one room at a time!

Angela xxx

Liam Torres


Los Angeles

Most people identify me as a street artist, but as that term is extremely vague, just think of me as an artist and graphic designer.

Working with predominantly spray paint on large scale murals, I work in the urban jungle of California. I also dabble in digital media, exploring art in the digital form and the lengths to which art can be pushed.

I am currently studying Visual Arts and building my portfolio and experience as a developing artist. On the blog I will share interesting work I come across and also my thoughts on art and its relationship with contemporary culture.

Vince Payne

Hey Readers,

I am Vince Payne and in this blog, I will be focusing on crystals, spirituality and art. My occupation is as a paramedic, and so I work in stressful situations where healing is priority. This blog is my space to explore the calmer sides of my life and teach others the knowledge I have gained over the years that I have found important.

Being a paramedic, I am a pretty practical and level-headed kind of guy. In this blog I want to show you that thinking about the spiritual, crystals and such can be just as level headed and practical, it doesn’t all have to be unicorns and fairy floss.

Hope you all enjoy the posts and keep me updated through the comments if there is anything you want to share.

Stay Balanced and Powerful

Ryan Kudrow

Hi Guys,

I’m Ryan Kudrow, an experimental musician who is just here to express the power and charm of the musical medium.

For the sake of introducing myself, I am 32 years old (as of 2019) and I am from Sydney, Australia. While I work as a security guard for a large shopping centre, I spend all my free time working on my music.

I am constantly looking for artists who inspire me, who, in turn can hopefully inspire you. That is my mission for my blog posts, and I aim to keep you updated with my musical journey, both personal and what inspires me in the music scene.

To start the inspirational journey, I thought I would share my favourite quote that I hope will motivate you creatively:

 “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”

― Plato

Hope you all have a good week!

R Kudrow

Alana Mason

Hey Creatives!!!

I’m Alana Mason and welcome to Spiralling Thoughts!

I am a 17 year old Brighton girl in the middle of my GCSE. Like every teenager, I have focused my energies on anything but school! I stumbled upon blogging 3 years ago and something just really connected me to it, I think it’s because you can devote as much or as little time as you have and still build up what I like to think of as an online portfolio of thoughts. I really love blogging as it allows me to not only explore the topics I love in further depth but allows me to share my thinking and ideas with others, and vice versa!

My main interests are in crafts, DIY projects, fashion, the media and animals! As my interests are broad, I hope that everyone will be able to find something from my articles that they can enjoy and learn from! Also, if you have any requests don’t be hesitant to leave a comment below any of my posts and I shall try and make an effort to address them when I can!!

I hope you enjoy creatives!!! Xxx